With the Minneapolis riots in full swing over a racially charged incident in which a white police officer killed a suspect by placing his knee on the suspect’s neck, the response is all starting to look like a violent repeat of the summer of 2016.
The two things 2016 and 2020 have in common is that they’re both election years. In 2016, we saw the explosion of Black Lives Matter protests around the country. Even in places with almost no black populations like Portland and Seattle, cities jumped in on the action and had almost daily protests.
Below you can see a graph of Black Lives Matter as a topic on Google Trends and how in the summer of 2016 it skyrockets starting in late June. The topic maintained that popularity through the summer, then eventually faded to relative obscurity after the election in November.
The racially charged summer of 2016 reached a peak when a black gunman killed 5 police officers in Dallas. The narrative was that it was “payback” for otherĀ incidents that summer where cops beat or killed black suspects. However, the story surrounding the shootings always left many questions, and the way it all ended seemed almost too perfect in the way it tied up all loose ends.
It was July 7th, 2016 when the suspect Micah Xavier Johnson, shot 5 Dallas police officers. 9 other officers were injured as well as two civilians. The shooting happened at a protest rally for a previous shooting of a black suspect named Philando Castile which coincidentally also happened in Minnesota.
When the story first broke, every news outlet went with the headline that it was a “sniper” style attack. Outlets like CNN and almost all others went with this storyline even as events were unfolding. However, amateur video emerged on the same night as the event showing a suspect moving through the streets of Dallas, apparently using military style tactics as he weaved in and out of cover and shot police officers. These videos contradicted the narrative that it was a sniper style attack.
The media at the time was so stuck on the sniper angle, that they even reported on the supposed sniper nest which they claimed was in a parking garage. But as the video showed, there was no sniping at all that took place.
So why did the media immediately call it a sniper attack? Why did they even report where the sniper hid to take his shots when those events never even happened? It all seemed as though they had a narrative already planned beforehand.
But that wasn’t even the biggest mystery of the Dallas shootings. The way the incident ended is more bizarre and leads to even more questions.
According to the official story, the suspect was chased into a building connected to El Centro College where a standoff ensued. Police sent in a robot with high-powered explosives strapped to it. When the robot arrived at the suspects location, police detonated the explosives, killing Johnson and ending the standoff.
If that sounds a little far fetched and like something you’ve never heard before, you’d be right. That was the first time such a tactic was ever used. Never in the history of police standoffs have police ever strapped explosives to a robot and then sent it after a suspect on a bizarre suicide-style mission to blow itself up along with the suspect at the same time.
The one fact that most critical observers immediately brought up was why would the suspect allow the robot to get so close that it could blow him up. Police robots are slow and cumbersome with large tank-like tracks. Below is a photo of the Andros MarkV-A1, the same robot supposedly used to blow up the Dallas suspect.
As you can see, you would hear such a machine coming from pretty far away. The suspect could have easily avoided the robot all together. He also could have simply barricaded a doorway along the way and the robot would have no way to pursue him.
So basically, the official story was that a man who expertly moved through the streets killing 7 officers and avoiding being shot himself using advanced tactics just sat in a room while a robot slowly approached and blew him up.
Even more bizarre, the explosion was powerful enough to kill the suspect instantly through a wall according to official reports. But the robot only sustained damage to its extended arm, the rest of the robot was full operational afterwards and had no damage.
The whole story sounded fake and it seemed to be manufactured to clean up any loose ends about what really happened that night. Was it really just a disgruntled loner who did all the shooting? Was it just one shooter or a team and they all got away?
Many people suspected a false flag type of event were mercenaries expertly swept through the streets killing officers and then fled the scene. The “robot strapped with explosives” story was used as a cover. The goal being to further fan the flames of racial division at a critical time. But with the suspect now being blown up, no trial was needed, no investigation was needed. Case closed.
Whatever the real story was regarding the Dallas shootings, it looks as though we could be seeing a repeat of these racially charged events now in the summer of 2020 as we approach another election.
The Minneapolis riots are already being called into question as local citizens have recorded what appear to be undercover provocateurs starting fires and damaging property.
In a widely covered story where an AutoZone store was set on fire, locals reported seeing masked individuals like the one below who stuck out among the usual protestors.
convince me this guy that started shit at autozone windows is not a COP pic.twitter.com/zmirgedQkD
— molly (@molllygurl) May 28, 2020
As for now, things are still unfolding and we will have to wait and see what transpires over the coming months leading up to the election. But if recent events are any sign, it’s starting to look all too familiar to the summer of 2016. Both were election years and both now look to be dominated by stories of violent, racially charged protests.
Is it all just a coincidence?
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